
Govt. Ministry of Defence Through the Project Director of its GREEN-AI Jobs

Applications are invited from Pakistani nationals for the recruitment purely on contract basis, for a period of One year (extendible on satisfactory performance and need basis) against temporary posts in PSDP Project titled, “Development of ICT and Artificial Intelligence (Al) based Precision Agriculture systems utilizing dual-uso Aerospace Technologies-GreenAl”.


Sr No. Name of Post Pay Scale No of Post Disciplines/Qualification
1 Scientific Officer PPS-7 02 A qualified person with postgraduate degree (PhD or MS/MPhil) in relevant field and preferably having a relevant experience in research and project. S/He will have to manage and lead staff and manage other resources, including budget preparation, management and control.
2 Electrical/Mechatronics Engineer PPS-7 01 A qualified person with postgraduate degree (MPhil) in relevant field and preferably having a relevant experience in research and development.
3 Research Associate PPS-5 03 Postgraduate MS in relevant field of research group (PhD Scholar will be preferred).
4 Research Assistant PPS-4 02 Graduate (BS/MS or equivalent) in relevant field of research group (MS/M Phil Scholar will be preferred).
5 Field Workers PPS-2 04 A qualified person with middle or matric qualification having Agriculture and farms experience and willingness to work in the field
6 Naib Qasid PPS-1 02 A qualified person with middle or matric qualification with good communication, behavior and interpersonal skills

Applicants are required to apply direct on website https://Green- or Complete Job Description is available against respective vacancies on website.

Incomplete and late applications and applications with fake/false documents will be rejected at any stage during or after recruitment process with no right of appeal.

Only shortlisted candidates meeting the eligibility criteria (mentioned in the advertisement and detailed job description) will be invited for interview and written test. No TA/DA will be admissible for appearing in test interview.

The Organization reserves the right to withdraw/cancel the vacancies at any stage without assigning any reason.

Those applicants who are already employed, must apply through proper channel after obtaining NOC from their department, otherwise their applications will not be considered.

Last date to apply is 29 February, 2024.

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