Patwari Opportunity University Of Agriculture, Faisalabad 2024


Online applications are invited from Pakistani nationals who are not married to a foreign national, for following position with the prescribed qualification/criteria as indicated below:-

Last Date to Apply 29 March 2024.
Apply Online

Name of Positions Pay Package Qualification
PATWARI (CONTRACT BASIS) Rs.60,000/- per month Secondary School Certificate from a recognized Board and has successfully passed Patwar course from a recognized institute.

Patwari Opportunity University Of Agriculture, Faisalabad 2024

1. Applicants are required to apply online by 29.03.2024 and there is no need to submit hard copy of the application.
2. Retired experienced person may also apply for the said post. 3. The applicants shall pay job application processing fees (non-refundable) Rs.500/- in Account No.0720930181002449 of MCB Bank, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad Branch (Code-1688) title “Evening Fee Account” University of Agriculture, Faisalabad from any MCB Branch of the Country on the Credit Slip of the said Branch and upload deposit slip on link given above.
4. Persons already employed in any Government or other organizations should submit their applications through proper channel. Advance copies may, however, be sent to save time The requisite No Objection Certificate from present employer must reach in the Office of the Director HR (Personnel/Establishment Section) before or on the last date for receipt of applications or on the date of interview, failing which such candidates will not be allowed to appear for interview.
5. All Government Employees who intend to apply through proper channel shall clarify through the Heads of their Attached Departments that there is no pending enquiry/ out- standing dues against them. Moreover, there are no adverse remarks in any of their Annual Confidential Reports. These conditions are necessary for grant of Departmental Permission Certificate/No Objection Certificate (NOC). The ACRS grading for the last five years is also be recorded in the forwarding letter.
6. The University reserves the right;
not to fill vacancy without assigning any reason thereof.
to short list the candidates on the basis of academic qualification/ test as may be prescribed by the University.
to increase or decrease the number of vacancies as per availability of funds.
iv. to appoint any person in either Main Campus or any Sub-Campus
7. The University shall not be responsible upon delayed/non-receipt of Call Letters due to any lapse of Courier Agency/Post Office etc.
8. The selected candidates (on contract basis) will not confer any right of regular or regular appointment nor shall such appointment be regularized under any circumstances.
9. Only eligible candidates will be invited for test/interview. No TADA would be admissible when called for test/interview.
10. Incomplete applications will not be entertained.
11. If the applicant is facing any problem to apply online, please contact at the following Number/E-Mail during office hours:-

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